Friday, December 18, 2009
Just call her Miss Daisy
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Drunken ramblings
1) My mother in law seriously is so great. I can't think about my MiL for too long or I will seriously start crying from happiness. She is so selfless and wonderful. I am so lucky to have her in my life. I can't wait to change her diapers.
2) Watching Izzy is bittersweet because it makes me want to adopt. I have no affinity for infants and am scared of being pregnant, but put me in front of a three year old who wants to ride in the car so she can hold the robot girl (my GPS) and my maternal instinct goes into overdrive.
3) Gary the waiter is the best waiter ever. He is our waiter every Wednesday night for trivia and is taking the Series 7 exam tomorrow. At 7 in the a.m. I left some bottles at the bar and I called him to ask if he could see if they were still there. Yeah, I have his cell phone number. We're cool like that. Before I called he had gotten the bottles and was waiting outside in the freezing cold with them.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
I can compete about anything
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Dangerous indeed
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
A dog's life
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Thursday, November 26, 2009
On the plus side, I got brazilian bikini waxed and was queef free. Small victories, my friends.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
I'm going to pretend this isn't creepy, okay?
Sunday, November 15, 2009
To Love's Eternal Glory
Friday, November 13, 2009
The nicest man I ever talked to on the phone just got 13 years in jail.
Rep. William Jefferson from Louisiana will have a fascinating movie made about his life in about 20-25 years. Walt from Lost, this is your Ocscar calling. The Federal police raided his home to find tens of thousands of dollars in his freezer, yet he was re-elected. During the investigation, he was on the House Committee for smalll business, prompting many jokes that he would now be keeping his cash in mini-fridges. When the FBI raided his office without a warrant, both sides of the aisle were outraged for the liberal Democrat.
When I worked in DC I, like anyone who is there a while, has some random "celebrity" sightings. Working at a lobbying office increased my chances of this. I saw Ted Kennedy at the Mayflower Hotel (Where Eliot Spitzer arranged his dalliances), President Bush's sister in law had an in-depth conversation with my then-bf and I at a charity event, so on and so forth. One day Rep. Jefferson called one of the people I supported at my old job. The person I supported wasn't able to come to the phone, so Rep. Jefferson left a message with me. While he was talking to me, he got another call. I was seriously on hold for about ten minutes. When he got on the line again, his reaction was along the lines of, "My goodness gracious! My dear, dear girl! I am so sorry! My greatest apologies! I forgot I had you on hold! Please forgive me! I am so sorry!".
Nicest. White Collar Criminal. Ever.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
My Husband Rocks: Part 1 in a 4,000,000 part series
This made me so grateful that John is so kind and thoughtful and respectful when it comes to my education. He has NEVER made me feel like my classwork can be pushed aside for something that he considers more valuable. I know I am lucky, but it's nights like these that really slap me in the face with how lucky I am.
Also, there was a good chunk of time tonight that I held a sleeping 7 month old baby while John had a kitten sleeping in his lap and massaged my feet. That is my heaven.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Daddy Gaga
Monday, November 2, 2009
You take the good, you take the bad, you take them both and then you have...
On the other hand, he just really tap danced on my last nerve. He decided we needed to take down the hammock and when he took it down, he put it in the room off of our kitchen (as opposed to the crawlspace or garage or any other logical place.). When moving the hammock in, he knocked over the ironing board, which knocked over the trash can and recycling container. This isn't HIS responsibility to clean up, because apparently HE didn't put the ironing board in an inconvenient place. So please excuse me as I go clean up some trash.
Halloween 2009: A 4 from the Russian judges
John's Halloween costume of a chef, with Cujo being a lobster in a pot. Life is good.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Covet, covet, covet

Not only does she have a ton of pet and baby sushi stuff, but she has personalized fortune cookie slippers!!! I want a job just so I can give these as Christmas gifts!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Said the flea to the fly, let us flee! Then I killed them.
Cujo is on monthly flea control. The way this works is the fleas have to bite him to get the poison, which kills the fleas in a day or so and disrupts their reproductive cycle. So they still have a good 24 hours to eat his delicious blood. Since he has hair, not fur, he has less protection and the fleas REALLY wail on him. He itches and itches and and eats himself raw. I spent a good bit of money earlier this year to get the infections in his skin cleaned up. I HATE FLEAS.
Since we moved down to Columbia Cujo has occaisionally picked up fleas either from other people's houses or from doggie daycare. So I thought. SO. I. THOUGHT. We figured out this weekend that the fleas are coming from our backyard! The assault begins.
John ordered some insane pesticide online that is actually illegal in South Carolina. Take that, natural wildlife! All of the carpet inside of our house has been sprayed and powdered, along with the cloth furniture. Cujo had lots and lots of flea baths and I've washed all of our linens. I have to get them away from me!!!
Monday, October 19, 2009
I'm back!
Most recently, I've been sick with nasty, nasty swine flu. But I'm back! I'm blogging! YAY!!!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
He will NEVER be mistaken for a local.
While discussing our trip today, he informed us that he would start talking like a local. "I'm going to Cancun. Cancuny, is that how they say it?"
So if you run into a man who looks like a garden gnome and he tells you he went to Cancuny, you have the backstory now.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
First day of school!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
I win at housewife-ing!
Oh shoot.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
He was injured. Injured bad.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Great news!
Tuesday really exemplified a lot of the reasons why I love John and why we are good together. Children and money tend to be the main catalysts between many couple's fights and we see perfectly eye to eye on those topics. I am a hoarder with money; all I want to do is save, save, save. Things don't make me happy. Having a large savings account and retirement savings makes me happy. John is more of an investor. Either way, neither of us are tempted by new cars or toys or vacations or things like that. We poured money into the house in Greer and, if John would have stayed at his job up there, would have had it completely paid off in November of this year. Since we did this, we weren't upside down on the house. We can pay for at least one semester of my education, a car to replace John's car (more on that later), put money in our retirement savings, and purchase a few items for our new house. I am just so happy!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Best Cuddle Ever
Friday, July 17, 2009
It's like a cult initiation...
SWEET SASSY MOLASSY THOSE KIDS ARE CUTE!!! First, allow me to list all the very legitimate, well considered reasons why I despise the show. 1) I am totally against fertility treatments. Hey Catholics, do you recognize that, in theory, fertility treatments are just as much messing with God's procreation plan as abortion is? And yet no fertility doc is killed at his church. NOT THAT I AM SUGGESTING THAT AT ALL. AT ALL. However, there are FAAARRRR too many children in foster care and for domestic adoption who need loving parents to legitimize using fertility treatments. 2) Whoring kids out without the kids' consent is horrible. At least the Duggars ( ) have older, consenting kids to whom their show gives most of it's attention. There's a very thin, wavy, gray line between mother and madam when you have basic cable videotaping your infants coming home from the hospital. 3) It really irks me when people think their kid is super special. There's a difference between being happy that your child really practiced hard and won the soccer regionals or whatever and feeling that everyone needs to be intimately aware of your totally normal kid's totally normal goings on. Like, when parents have blogs or YouTube channels or whatever, that's for a specific audience who chooses to participate. I mean, I guess America can turn the channel, but still, TLC, come on, stop telling me about these kids.
BUT THEN THE TIDES TURNED. OH MY GOD Y'ALL. Alexis and her Aldergator? Joel telling the camera crew he has a weiner? Alexis telling people Aaden will throw up on their hands? Collin eating everything, all the time?
P.S. If any more advanced bloggers, or like, people from 2004 or something can tell me how to make words into links without having to paste the actual link into my blog, that would be awesomesauce.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Open Letter to T-Mobile
I hate you. You make my life difficult and you make every day tasks annoying and arduous. I have NO T-Mobile reception in my house. I am a housewife. We have no landline. The only way I know if someone's called me is if I leave the house to check my voicemail. Oh wait, there is about 5 square feet of space in the living room where I get reception. I have a house to unpack, termite exterminators to contact, grad school to apply to, floor repair people to schedule, and I have to tether myself to this TERRIBLE PHONE THAT I HATE WITH NO SERVICE. I have to look up, say, carpet repair online, write the number down, go across the street to my neighbor's yard where I do get reception, and call from there. Oh, and pray that a live person picks up, because if I leave a voicemail and someone calls me back, I only know if I have a voicemail when I leave the house. If there was an emergency that didn't happen in the living room in the teeny area where I get service, I have no way to contact anyone. My husband ordered some cell phone booster gizmo from the internet and you best cross all your fingers that thing works, or else I am off to the Sprint store down the street so fast I will leave a hole in the wall, Wile E. Coyote style.
A Girl Named Stewart
Friday, July 3, 2009
Goodbye job

Somehow I don't think he'll be too mad that he missed getting a picture of me.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?
AGirlNamedStewart: "When is your birthday?"
3 Year Old: "That's the day I was born."
AGNS: "Do you have any pets?"
3YO: "Two. One is a dog and her name is Lilly and she is a black dog. She lives at our house. One is a cat named Bean and she lives in cat heaven."
The little girl also had an invisible friend named Sauncy who was very, very bad and does bad things all the time.
It goes without saying that Friday's dinner was one of the best meals I've had in a long time.
Feeling Scrappy!

My wonderful friend ButtercupGurl has passed the Honest Scrap Award to yours truly! I have to list 10 honest things about myself. What a great way to combine my 2 favorite things: honesty and talking about myself. :)
1) I am an honest person and I'm happy most of the time. It irritates me when negative people with no couth say, "Well, at least no one has to wonder if I'm lying. I always tell my opinion." I always tell my opinion too. I'm just happy and upbeat and usually don't have anything negative to say.
2) I have no desire to birth children. I really want to be a parent and the best way for John and I to do that, I feel, is adoption. There are so many children, especially brothers and sisters who want to grow up together, who need a loving home.
3) I miss my iPhone! I LOVE my iPhone! I stepped on it in late March and gave it a nice big crack in the screen. I ordered a replacement screen but it hasn't been installed yet.
4) I have never seen the Pacific Ocean. I'm looking forward to it when I visit Oregon in August!
5) I think that a wedding day truly is the bride's day. If she wants everyone to wear bathing suits to the wedding then everyone wears bathing suits to the wedding. If she wants to have pie instead of cake, eat pie and be happy.
6) I had no clue how rewarding doing my own home repairs is till we bought our new house. It's not fun or easy but I'm learning alot and we are saving a ton of money!
7) I have the best in laws in the world.
8) I hate it when people have bad breath! Carrying some mints or gum is easy and cheap. I always offer gum to people and sometimes when they turn it down, I want to shake them. (Note to people who read this blog who I've offered gum to: I don't ONLY offer it when someone has bad breath. I also just really like to share yummy gum!)
9) I think that one spouse is required to take care of the other spouse to the same degree, if not a greater one, than they take care of themselves. Marriage is both a lifelong expression of love and a responsibility. If you want your spouse to change some aspect of themselves or their lives you can't nag and whine. You have to take action and work together to do it.
10) The only illegal drug I have ever done is drink moonshine.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Back from vacation
Monday, June 15, 2009
I'm not kid-ding

Though our ability to write more than 2 relevant sentences has.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
There's a reason his name isn't Lassie
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
So mad I could blog!
Friday, June 5, 2009
All the different kinds of missing
When he first moved out I really missed him, but in a different way than I miss him now. John and Mike both moved out at the same time, so our house went from having 3 people in it to just me. It was the middle of winter and it sucked to be home all by myself when it was cold and dark. Plus, alot of exciting events were happening in DC and Maryland and that only compounded my feelings of alone-ness. During the inaugruation almost all of my DC friends and coworkers were busy doing all kinds of exciting things. One of my cousins had a baby in late January so my family was busy and happy and I couldn't be a part of it.
In the recent weeks I've missed him in a different way. Our 2 year anniversary was a few weeks ago and it seems like every little thing around the house reminds me of him. He used to lay out on the hammock and talk to me on the phone, so every time I see the hammock I think of him. The Mexicans in the trailer park next to us play their music super loudly and I remember being on the phone with him and hearing it, so the Mexican music reminds me of him.
I know that we're very lucky to see each other every weekend, but I still can't wait to move in with him (again)!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
More Memorial Day recap

Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Memorial Day weekend fun!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
You get what you pay for
Thursday, May 7, 2009
I'm a walking advertisement for Princeton Review
Monday, April 27, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Early night!

Here are John, Allie, Alex and Mike's dirty dishes for a week:
Happy Secretary's Day to me!
I had a GREAT secretary's day! In all candor, I think it's an anachronistic and condescending holiday. Why don't sales people get a day? Why don't project managers or waitresses get a day? Nevertheless, the day was fantastic. I got breakfast and snacks for the 2 women who I supervise and for the wonderful document manager who covers the phones, signs for deliveries, etc when needed. Two project managers from site also took 2 of us out to a DELICIOUS lunch. It was such a great day! Plus it was finally springtime weather. Two thumbs up in my book.
I haven't blogged in a while, so here's some abridged blogging:
- GRE prep is effective but HARD!!! I'm taking a 9 week GRE prep course. It's paying off in spades. My score has gone up 140 points and I'm learning alot of new study techniques. I'm impressed by how easy the math is. It requires less application of formulas and theories than the SAT. It's much more applicable to everyday life. For the first 3 weeks or so of the class the homework was manageable. There was about 8 hours of homework to do a week. I try to get it all done during the week so that I can dedicate my weekends to spending time with John. In the past 2 weeks the homework has really ramped up. I have about 3.5 hours of homework a night so I really have no free time. I'm hoping it all pays off and I get into school!
- It really irks me when people use Facebook, or any other social networking site, to broadcast their malaise. If something is really shocking or negative or hurtful; if it's really IMPACTFUL, then by all means, share. Part of social networking is support. However, when I see that someone's having an "off" day 3 or 4 times a week it makes me think that they just really like to whine.
- I'm so happy for one of my best friends! She moved to OREGON this week! She did a cross country drive in 4 days. Holy cow!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
So pretty...

Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Oh, what a difference a realtor makes!
The new real estate agents actually want to sell our house! It's amazing! It's a family team of real estate agents and John and I feel much more confident. They came and took actual decent pictures of our house, and even mowed the grass and did yard work! I'm crossing all my fingers and toes that we get the house sold in a decent time. The agents are motivated, we're motivated, let's hope there's a buyer who's motivated!
Friday, April 10, 2009
You know what it probably is? Feces
This whole week I've had a very interesting problem. I keep smelling poop. Phantom poop. Last week and this week Cujo's been sick and he's crapped yucky, sick dog craps in the house (the house in Columbia, the house in Greer, a relative's house...). I'm very poop concious because of that. Now I'm randomly smelling doodie in places where it does not exist. Not fun.
Getting excited for Easter!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
I have a dissenting opinion.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
It's the little things...
My grandmother does this, too. She has been on anti-anxiety medicine for several years. When she worries, she shakes and can't talk. You don't even have to ask her if she's worrying; when someone talks about something that worries her, her chin and lower jaw start quaking. And the woman worries about EVERYTHING. When I sent her a Valentine's Day card and she didn't have one for me, her jaw started trembling. My Mom doesn't worry that much, but apparently Mom Mom has been a worrier all her life. It's an annoying cycle. I ask John all the time, "What can I do to be better? What can I do to make you happier?" and he usually tells me to not worry so much. Then I worry about being a worrier, and therefore being a bad wife. I have a psychiatrist appointment later on this month and I hope to get on medicine for this. This makes John SUPER happy. When my parents were down here last weekend, John asked my Mom if she was a worrier, and asked several questions about Mom Mom's worrying. I often feel like I can't stop it: both that my mind is out of my control and that if I stop worrying then something that I haven't planned for will go wrong and I won't know how to fix it. I've been praying alot about this, too. I know God wants me to be happy and to not worry. I read the Bible, I pray, I actively try not to worry, and it still consumed me. Sitting in my car that afternoon, I just felt glorious and content and weightless. It was a beautiful early spring day. The trademen would get their paychecks. I wouldn't go to tutoring. Que sera, sera. My life is so little and short. There is no reason to NOT celebrate each day. Why should I only push my own agenda and only worry about my teeny tiny little world? I'm here to glorify and praise God, to be a good daughter and a good wife, maybe to be a mother, maybe to make a difference to health care policy. My life is good and I know it. I want to be like Paul in Philippians 4:11. I want to be content no matter what state I'm in.
I'm still going to the doc later this month, but my new outlook is wonderful.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
These are facts
Very Articulate 3 year old with STRONG Southern Accent: "Excuse me. He is not a dog. You shouldn't pet him."
Me:"You're right. He's not a dog."
End Scene.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Hello Interwebs!
My mind is changed for several reasons. Primarily, I realized I had been dragging my feet (for several reasons, some normal, some therapist couch-y) on applying to grad school. The GRE is now given online. My study guides can only do so much. To competitively compare, I HAD to study the GRE online. Secondarily, a woman who I work with shot my money saving idea to pot. Her husband works for AT&T and she told me about BellSouth's DSL service that has NO contract. She is completely accurate: NO CONTRACT and you keep the service for up to 48 months, month by month. We don't have a landline so DSL is a little more expensive, but it will still cost me $40-$45 per month to have internet access. I can totally swing that. Additionally, up until this week at work, my schedule has been more hectic than I can describe. Since January 2nd, it has (figuratively) been balls to the wall. In February 2008 people started telling me that the first quarter of 2009 would be NUTS and would be busier than I could ever imagine. Right now my company is 1) Building a new paint shop 2) Will be running car bodies from the existing paint shop to some areas of the new paint shop beginning April 1st 3) Beginning demolition of the existing paint shop. It is INSANE. I am so glad I take Adderall b/c I don't have time to eat. I don't have time to DRINK in the mornings; my coffee or tea gets tepid before I can finish it. I have very seriously considered wearing Depends to work because some days I very genuinely do not have time to go to the bathroom. We have employees, and I do mean Durr employees, not tradesmen in the field, working every hour of the day. We are on 2 12 hour shifts every day of the week. This leaves me no free time at work at all. Things that I can't do on my phone (book hotel rooms, navigate between multiple bank websites, sign up for GRE prep courses) were impossible because I didn't have time for them at work. I needed the internet do to personal stuff at home.
So here I am! With only two phone calls to AT&T, I am all DSL-ed up!I am ready to roll! Blogging here I come! Well, now it's sleeping here I come, hahaha.