This weekend really highlighted all the fantastic changes that have happened in the last year. On Friday I spent most of the day either cleaning the house or with Shauna and Izzy and then went out for family dinner. On Saturday I put away Christmas decorations and got a little bit ready for Jim and Jen's engagement party next weekend. Jim and Jen came over with their puppy and we decided to try a new restaurant in Columbia. We went out on Saturday night with Jim, Jen and our friend Gina and had a great time at Hunter Gatherer in the Vista. At dinner we decided that Gina was going to be our new roommate starting in February. Yay! Today I ran errands including buying school books for this semester and John helped me alot in the yard. We went out to a new (to us) Indian restaurant about 10 minutes away and then Jay, Shauna, Izzy and Jack came over to chat for a little bit.
Several weeks ago John summed up our Columbia experience as different from Greer because in Columbia when we want to go out we have a choice of friends to go out with. The amout of socializing we did this weekend is more than we would have done in a month in Greer. Living close to family and friends makes a huge difference, but I still often feel like I'm visiting Columbia and that I really live in Greer. My life is so different from a year ago: I'm a full time student, I have a different last name, I'm going to be an aunt, Mom Mom died, we have a cat now, we live in Columbia, we live in a house that is much more impressive than the Greer house but that actually requires several hours of upkeep per week, Cujo sleeps in the bed with us now, we have a time frame for when we will become parents, I know how to strip wallpaper, I'm nowhere near as close to my Mom's family, I'm getting medical treatment for my obsessive disorder...My life is so great, but no matter where I live, as long as John is with me I am happy. I think that is the biggest difference from twelve months ago. Going from living with John for 14 months to only seeing him from Friday night to Sunday afternoon was hard as hell for me and I know I will fight tooth and nail not to ever have to do that again.
My life is so awesome and perfect right now. I can't imagine how my heart holds all of this love.
Hello World!
Hello World!
The post Hello World! first appeared on Renovate Badder Homes And Gardens.
4 months ago
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