Last week Toonces ran away. I posted a little about it. He is all black, no ID on him, and scared of people. Gina and I searched for him for about 40 minutes outside. It was super frustrating. We could hear his bell, but as we called his name he moved further and further into the woods behind our house. I totally thought that cat was gone forever.
Friday night John went outside to see if UPS had delivered something for him and I heard him yell, "Oh my God, Toonces!" Toonces was outside our door. John tried to get him, but when John's hand was around him Toonces freaked out and dashed away. John ran in, instructing us to turn on all the outside lights. He got some cat food and a dog leash. Mike and I watched through a side window as John spent several minutes patiently sitting and coaxing Toonces to come to him. John finally got his hands on the cat and that animal freaked out. John had Toonces pinned to the ground and Toonces was surging and struggling to get away. I saw John get the leash on Toonces and start running towards the house. I opened the front door and kicked/ shooed the other animals (Cujo, Bodhi and Odin) who were highly interested in what was happening. Toonces seriously looked like the Tazmanian Devil. Because the leash was cutting off his air supply his hissing was desperate and otherwordly. He is all black and his eyes were rolling around in his head. His teeth were bared and all four of his paws were rigidly out and swinging from his body. I could see every claw. He was fighting John so viciously that the leash was more like a pendulum. Mike and I stood back from the door and John threw Toonces into the house in an area that wasn't too near other animals. Toonces had so much momentum that the first place he set foor in our house was the 6th stair to upstairs.
He's back! John is a hero!
Hello World!
Hello World!
The post Hello World! first appeared on Renovate Badder Homes And Gardens.
4 months ago
Yay! I'm so glad you found him! We accidentally opened our electric gate one time without realizing it and three of our four dogs got out. We found two right away, but my little Caesar was gone. We had only recently rescued him off the street and I was devestated. We looked everywhere. Three hours later our other three go crazy with the barking and there he is standing outside our gate. Thank God! Happy endings are the best! (I mean that in a totally non massage parlor way.)
Thanks, Wendy! I would have bet my life that Toonces was gone forever and ever, amen. And of all the people to rescue/ wrestle him back, I NEVER thought it would be John! John isn't so much Jack Hanna or Cesan Milan as he is a non-racist Archie Bunker, so seeing him be so determined to help someone else's cat made me so happy.
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